Me and My Mustang

And He showed me a pure river of water of life…..

The silent green forest is parted by a single path,

Made quick and sure by one white Mustang’s endless hooftracks.

Once wild, she made her paths, behind strong stallions

And  young halves  (yearlings that is).

No longer though, is she so wild and free.

Today she serves me as well as can be.

We have our quarrels, and quibbles many too.

But I really think she’d rather be with me,

If she knew how to choose.

She is so  noble and high of spirit;

Incomparable are others without her blood and experience.

We, the wild at heart, can truly understand

What pumps through her heart, when she is in our hand.

Most  think they are crazy, these wild Mustang beasts;

But many of us now know, they only need

True love and patience as their treat.


I thank God for the American Mustang. For without that wild animal I may never have come to know the self inside myself.  Some may have a thoroughbred, or Arabian, or quarter horse, or welsh pony , or Clydesdale; but some like me have a creature that is a bit like a lit firecracker, ready to go off any moment…..a Mustang.

What is a Mustang? Here is a bit of background information:

In the 15th century Christopher Columbus was labeled as an insane fool for his notions of a safe passage to the East Indies. He sought financial backing for his venture throughout Western Europe for many years.  Fortunately, two people did believe in his vision. One was a priest at the convent where his son was raised, after  his mother died, and the other was the Queen of Spain.

After that first expedition in 1492 Spain sent many others.  They carried with them some of the hardiest and gamiest horses in then the world, the Spanish Barb and the Andalusian; both descendants of the Barb Arab horses of North Africa.

That is why today our American plains, deserts, and back hills of Colorado, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Nevada, Idaho, Oregon, Montana, Wyoming, and California are teeming with a virtually untapped natural resource, the American Mustang.

Not all agree, but many now do, that due to conformation, disposition, hardiness, quickness, agility, strength and overall gaminess of these greatly misunderstood Mustangs, our American wasteland hold a genetic pool of the greatest horse in the world if not virtual carbon copies of the original Spanish war horses brought here so long ago.  For the head stallion will not wait for lagging youngsters after he has sound the alarm to flee. Any tendency to go lame has been bred out of the remaining wild Mustangs for over four centuries.

He is a rebel at heart, but full of love as a child.  If anyone can direct a Mustang’s love towards himself, he will have a horse that will meet him when he goes out to its pasture or give its life for him.


(the above is an excerpt from my copyrighted book that tells how I came to know the Lord Jesus Christ …..more to follow later)



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